Dutch Yellow Certified Organic Shallots


These set-grown Shallots are a real delight in the garden. They can be planted in the fall with garlic, but this variety performs best when planted in the spring for late summer harvest. *For bulk pricing, select 1 lb.

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Dutch Yellow shallots have thin skins and are easy to peel. They have a unique mild sweet flavor that is much sought-after. High-yielding and delicious! Harvest Early-Mid. Prone to bolting when fall planted but will still have a high yield with excellent storage. We have best results planting in the spring with our main-season onions. *For bulk pricing, select 1 lb. **Please note that bulk-priced garlic will be quoted and charged additional shipping/insurance.

Additional information

Cloves per lb.


Storage Months


Harvest Time


Dutch Yellow Certified Organic Shallots 2
Dutch Yellow Certified Organic Shallots