White Turban Certified Organic Garlic


Beautiful and rare all-white Turban. Early harvest with medium to large sized bulbs and large easy-peel cloves; stores 5-6 months. *For bulk pricing, select 1 lb.

Quantity Discount Per Item Price
0.5+ 10% $17.55
Quantity Discount Per Item Price
0.5+ 10% $27.45
$10 Flat-Rate Shipping on All Orders
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Unique, beautiful pure white Turban, popular in Australia. This is our best-keeping turban, the last to sprout in storage.  Clean white-wrapped bulbs provide nice contrast in an early market display with red and purple turbans. Reliable and productive, large bulbs with large easy-peel cloves have good flavor raw, perfect for summer salsas and pesto, with a fresh garlicy flavor sautéed. Very early harvest, like other turbans, for first garlic scapes and first fresh garlic at market. *For bulk pricing, select 1 lb. **Please note that bulk-priced garlic will be quoted and charged additional shipping/insurance.

Additional information





Cloves per lb.


Cloves per Bulb


Harvest Time

Very Early

Storage Months
